Achieve your 2021 Goals!


Achieve your 2021 Goals!

It’s that time of year again-the time of year when new beginnings bring on a flurry of resolutions.

This is going to be your year to lose weight, get that job promotion, or learn a new skill.

Yet, do you find that your resolutions and goals often go unfulfilled?

If you do, you’re not alone. Most people abandon their goals shortly after making them.

So what separates those who fulfill their dreams from those who don’t?

People who realize their goals often set something called SMART goals.

SMART goals are: 


The person setting the goal can spell out exactly what he or she wants to do.

Instead of “I want to lose weight,” a specific goal would be “I want to lose 10 pounds in three months.”


The goal can be measured, so you can determine whether or not you achieve it.

Instead of saying “I want to increase my career network,” a measurable goal would be, “I want to increase my career network by four contacts per month.”


An achievable goal is reasonable.

For example, “I want to enroll in a Spanish language course and begin to learn Spanish,” instead of “I want to be fluent in Spanish by spring.”


Goals that are realistic are those that take into consideration your skill set, abilities, and resources. For example, if your goal is to get a promotion, you need to assess whether you currently have the experience and skill set for the job.


Goals should have a time frame, instead of being open ended. For example, “I will clean out my attic by the end of the weekend,” instead of “I will clean out my attic.”

While your goals may vary from year to year, one perennial goal should be to keep up with your regular massage and body treatments.

Give us a call today to make an appointment, and be SMART about your health and wellness!